文 / 君合律师事务所上海分所武 雷、陈鲁明、刘定发
By Lei WU, Luming CHEN and DingFa “David”LIU
Jun He Law Offices Shanghai Office
In daily work, for every in-house lawyerand compliance officer, how to effectively decrease risks of undertaking “senior manager’sliabilities” in commercial bribery cases under Chinese criminal law and regulations is animportant question. We will discuss respective compliance issues based on Chinese criminal law andcases we have handled.
I.Origin of and Legal Basis for “Senior Manager’s Liabilities”
Generally speaking, “senior manager’sliabilities” refer to “liabilities for which the persons in direct charge should be responsible in a unitcrime”. In practice, “senior manager” generally refers to those high-leveldecision-makers such as CEO, CFO, legal representative and general manager, andthose who have right of operation of the company, right of management andcontrol and right of approval, such as directors of financial department, legaldepartment, compliance department, internal audit department, human resourcedepartment and all those business units.
最高人民法院《全国法院审理金融犯罪案件工作座谈会纪要》第二部分第(一)项第 2条规定:“直接负责的主管人员,是在单位实施的犯罪中起决定、批准、授意、纵容、指挥等作用的人员”。
According to Section 1.2 of Article II ofthe “Minutes of the Forum on Hearing Cases of Financial Crimes by Courts Nationwide” bythe Supreme Court, “the person directly in charge and responsible for is the person making adecisive, approving, inspiring, indulging and commanding role in committing unit crimes.”
There are two types of “inspiring role” incommitting unit crimes: expressed and acquiescent.
Usually acquiescence means “whether lawfulor not, and no matter what means to take, so long as the final goal can beachieved, the means will be viewed as acceptable.”
As a kind of indirect intent, when decidingwhether a senior manager played an “indulging role” in a unit crime case, it is importantto analyze whether the manager had knowledge of the unlawful acts committed in the company.According to Chinese criminal law, knowledge mainly includes actual knowledge and constructiveknowledge (i.e. constructive knowledge under the reasonable person standard). When provingthat the defendant should know something happening, the burden of proof shiftsto the defendant. If the defendant argues that although he or she shouldknow,the reality is that he or she does not have an actual knowledge, he or she mustraise a defense and provide evidence.
II.Differences between Chinese Criminal Law and US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
At the legislative level, we understandthat provisions in Chinese anti-bribery law and regulations are stricter than those inFCPA: (1) Chinese anti-bribery law and regulations apply to all kinds of bribery conducts (i.e. theynot only apply to providing bribes to government employees, but also to commercial briberyconducts); (2) under Chinese anti-bribery law and regulations, punishments may be verysevere. Theoretically there is not a limitation on fines that can be imposed on the defendant company,and the most severe punishment an individual briber may be faced with is life imprisonment; (3)under Chinese anti-bribery law and regulations, a wide range of monetary andnon-monetary benefits can be regarded as profits offered by briber,including any kind of fees and any kind ofbenefits of property.
Thus, when operating in Chinese market, toregulate employees’ behaviors and conducts only under FCPA may be inadequate to effectivelyprevent and solve the specific and localized problems raised during the operation andmanagement.
III. Problems That In-house Lawyers andCompliance Officers May be Faced with and Countermeasures and Suggestions
First of all, internal rules should bestricter and more precise. Employing professionals to review internal compliance rules isrecommended to prevent provisions in those rules from being regarded as defective and as policiesencouraging the employees to act unlawfully or non-compliantly. And as to the compliancerules per se, we suggest that specific penalty provisions including standards andproceedings of punishments and possible penalties could be added in the rules, in order to govern thepunishing procedures.
Secondly, for in-house lawyers andcompliance officers to effectively decrease risks of undertaking “senior manager’s liabilities”,a formula is to make sure that the company has“reasonable compliance rules + good execution of those rules +efficient supervisions with employing those rules”. Meantime weconclude that an efficient supervision includes “three supervisions + one punishment”, which meansprior approval, control in process, post-review and punishment against wrongdoer andwrongdoing. In addition, all the investigation report, audit report and punishment record should be wellkept.
Moreover, when being faced with externalinvestigation, while cooperating with governmental and judicial authoritiesduring their inspection, in-house lawyers and compliance staffs should try to protect the legitimaterights of themselves and of the company. For instance,try to provide objective evidence and tomake sure that the content of evidence is comprehensive.
Last but not least, when giving opinions onan event or a conduct while duty requires, if the event or the conduct is obviously unlawfuland non-compliant, the in-house lawyers and compliance staffs could declare dissentingopinions, refuse to agree, and request to add the dissenting opinions into record or meetingminutes. Also, in-house lawyers and compliance officers could try to make decisions afterseeking help from outside counsel.
IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, to effectively preventcompany liabilities is the precondition for decreasing risks of undertaking “senior manager’sliabilities.” When trying to control the “senior manager’s liabilities” risks, company culture,operation philosophy, internal rules, execution of rules,supervisions record-keeping are factorswhich should be taken into account. Also, when industrial and commercial administration authorities,public security bureaus and prosecutors come to investigate possible law violation incompany, please do not interfere the investigation by taking
unlawful measures.
文章转载自: 君合律师事务所上海分所武 雷、陈鲁明、刘定发
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